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Selenite for back pain
Selenite, a mesmerizing crystal known for its potent healing properties, has captivated civilizations for centuries. Believed to possess the ability to absorb negative energy, selenite has adorned homes, served as spiritual jewelry, and played a vital role in meditation and yoga practices. Handling this delicate crystal requires care, but the rewards in terms of healing and spiritual enhancement are abundant. Versatility in Wearable Form: Selenite transcends its role as a decorative crystal, finding its way into our daily lives as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. Worn close to the body, these crystals act as energetic shields, deflecting negative energy...
Selenite and Celestite
Celestite, with its captivating blue crystals, holds a revered position in the realm of crystal healing. Revered for its potential to guide and empower individuals, this mineral is treasured by crystal enthusiasts worldwide. Believed to aid in spiritual strength and provide insights into life’s challenges, celestite is frequently employed by crystal healers for meditation, particularly for connecting with the third eye and crown chakras. Origin and Varieties Celestite’s allure extends across the globe, though it's often found in limited quantities. Its hues range from colorless to various shades of blue, as well as brown, pink, green, red, pale yellow,...
Selenite and Hematite Combination
Hematite, a ubiquitous crystal found in various rocks and soils globally, is primarily composed of iron oxide. Its presence spans sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic formations, offering a versatile range of appearances, predominantly black and grey, though also manifesting in hues of gold, red, silver, and metallic tones, with larger crystals often exhibiting brown shades. While unremarkable in its raw state, hematite transforms into exquisite metallic jewelry and energizing pigments through sanding, shaping, and polishing. Revered for its protective properties, individuals often adorn their homes with hematite to cleanse negative energies and invite positive vibes. Placing hematite obelisks in bedrooms is...
Selenite Zodiac signs and planet association
Harnessing the power of selenite for crystal healing requires a comprehensive understanding of its properties, including its association with zodiac signs. While many crystals are linked to specific zodiac signs through birthstones, determining selenite's zodiac sign involves considering its ruling planet, the moon. The moon, revered by ancient civilizations and symbolizing mystery and intuition, governs selenite's energy. Named after the moon goddess Selene, selenite embodies a celestial essence that resonates with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Cancer, and Leo. Taurus, Cancer, and Leo: Selenite's Zodiac Signs Taurus: Governed by the planet Venus, Taurus individuals, born between April 20th and May...
What is blue selenite?
Blue selenite, a rare color variant of the beloved selenite crystal, possesses a unique allure and mystique. While selenite is typically found in white or orange hues, the emergence of blue selenite adds a captivating dimension to the world of crystal healing. Delving into the origins, properties, and metaphysical significance of blue selenite unveils its remarkable attributes and transformative potential. Origins and Formation: Blue selenite's distinctive coloration sets it apart from its more common counterparts. Formed through the evaporation of concentrated saltwater, selenite crystals can sometimes encapsulate minerals present in the surrounding clay, leading to a remarkable shift in color...